WALG Update



                                World Contacts

WALG Secretary and Australia Representative Peter Read read1pet@presto.net.au
USA *            Wally Mattson * norcal@leftygolf.org
Canada *       Ron Zimmerman *
England*Alan  Haines*
Germany*      Martin Portner*
Japan *         Tom Waki *
Finland *       Pentti Katainen *
Sweden*       Rolf Ulfengren *
Taiwan *       T.H. Lai * thlai@sunchemical.com.tw
Pakistan*     Saleem Raza* PAKRAZA@LHR.HOL.NET.PK

Ireland*       Jerry Bradley* jrbradley@eircom.net
New Zealand*Bill Sangster nalgnz@xtra.co.nz
Switzerland*  Olivier Thalmann olisat5@yahoo.com

Future WALG Championships

World Tournament 2019

The 26th World Lefthanders Tournament will be held in Germany in May, 2019.

It will be held in Willingen Sauerland from 20th May to 24th May.

Willingen is about 180 km north of Frankfurt and closer still to Dortmund. For those thinking of driving, Willingen is just less that 800 km from Le Harve!

The tournament will be played over four golf courses. They are Kassel-Wilhemshohe, Paderbornerland, Schmallenberg and Universitats Golf-Club Paderborn.

The tournament will be based at the Sauerland Stern Hotel where rooms will cost about € 190 for a double room and € 125 for a single.

The cost of entry to the tournament, which includes 4 rounds of golf, transport to the courses, Welcome Party, Awards Banquet, presentation bag and shirt, is € 525.

 As usual there will be golf for partners, tours etc.

 All the info can be accessed on www.walg.org   

 The closing date for entries is 31st January next.



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